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Lab Experiments

Gynecologic examination

Breast diseases:


  • International medical communities are interested in developing awareness among women, starting from the age of forty, about self-examination and periodic breast examination for the purpose of early detection of any changes that may occur.

  • Every woman can do self-examination for her breasts by looking in the mirror or by examining the breasts in a way that she is taught by a professional doctor to notice any change.

  • This is in addition to going to a specialist doctor to conduct a clinical examination on a regular basis, and based on his instructions, a date is set for a mammography examination.

Breast diseases can be overcome .. What are breast diseases?

  • Breast disease common in adult women is most often a tumor or enlargement within the glands and soft tissue most breast diseases are benign, although this does not prevent the possibility of non-benign tumors in some cases, which requires a clinical medical examination supported by mammography x-ray.

How do I know that I have a breast disease?

  • If you notice any swelling or enlargement in the shape of your breasts, then you should talk to your doctor.

  • Medical scientific bodies, including the World Health Organization, advise women over the age of forty to have an annual periodic medical examination which includes mammography, which is the only examination through which breast tumors can be detected for a period of up to two years before feeling the disease organically (the early detection of the disease gives a greater chance of successful treatment and complete recovery)

Digital mammography

  • Mammograms are low-dose x-rays of the breast. Regular mammograms can help find breast cancer at an early stage as well as benign and non-benign tumors, imaging is done by the device shown in the picture.

  • The examination takes a relatively short period of time.

  • Mammograms are low-dose x-rays of the breast, and do not expose the woman who conducts the first examination or the examinations that take place periodically after that to anything.

  • After the consultant doctor checks the films, he will write a medical report according to what in the films.

What are the necessary preparations for the examination?

  • On the day of the examination, it is forbidden to use perfumes, avoid using deodorants, antiperspirants, powders, lotions, creams or perfumes under your arms or on your breasts.

  • It is preferable to wear a blouse, because the examination requires  undress from the upper part of the body.

What are the steps for conducting medical examination?

  • Clinical breast examination by a radiologist.

  • 2 to 3 X-ray pictures for each breast or more are taken in different positions, according to what the radiologist decides.

  • During the scan, pressure will be applied to the breast and you will be asked to stop breathing for several seconds.

  • After the imaging is completed, you will wait about 15 minutes to make sure that the examination is sufficient and that no more films are needed often. We also perform an additional ultrasound examination on the breast.

How long does the examination take?
  • The examination takes about 25 minutes.

When and where is the report received?

  • The report will be delivered on the same day of the examination or the next day. You have to check with the reception staff to confirm the date of receipt.


  • If you are pregnant, you should consult your doctor or radiologist before performing the examination.

  • The optimal period for breast examination is after the menstrual cycle, when the breast glands are in a state of relative calm but it is possible to do a mammography at any time according to the need.

Women you should know

  • The American Institute of Oncology, N.C.I, recommends the following procedure for every woman over thirty years.

  • The best time to perform a breast self-exam is the tenth day following the first day of a woman's menstrual cycle, and or on the first day of every month for women over 50.

  • Clinical examination by the attending physician or the family doctor every three years before the age of 50 and every year after the age of 50.

  • A mammographic examination should be done at the age of 35, if there was a previous injury in the family, and at the age of 40, if there was no previous injury. This examination is called "Base Line Mammography", through which important facts about the breast and its components can be known. It is very useful in the case of comparison with the mammography films that it will be conducted in the future.

  • A mammography examination should be done every two years for women who are 40 to 50 years old.

  • Periodic mammography examination every year beginning at age 50.

  • More than fifteen thousand mammography examinations have been carried out at the center.

Your first visit to perform mammogram examination

  • Mammography is the most potent weapon we possess in our battle against breast cancer …

  • Women ages 40 to 44 should have the choice to start annual breast cancer screening with mammograms

What you will find on the first visit!!!

  • The best time to examine your breasts is usually 1 week after your menstrual period starts, when your breasts are least likely to be swollen or tender.

  • You should not use any deodorants - especially those that contain zinc... because they appear on the mammogram and reduce the efficiency of the scan...

  • Always there is lady in charge for the examination room .. to help you ... and to explain the steps of the examination ...

  • There are educational videos for breast health … and instructions for periodic breast self-examination, and you may watch a video on how to perform the examination

  • At least two pictures of each breast will be taken... it takes a short time... from 5 to 10 minutes...

  • There will be a clinical examination for the breast ... complementary to the mammography examination ... In 60% of cases, an ultrasound examination is required ... to clarify accurate details of tissue formations.

  • When taking X-ray pictures for each breast... he presses it with a thin layer of reinforced plastic... and this reduces the thickness of the breast... thus reducing the percentage of rays... and prevents any movement that might reduce the purity of the image.

  • In 10% of cases... the doctor may need to take additional pictures in order to have a clear picture of soft tissues.

  • The mammography examination must be kept … in good condition … because it helps a lot in the comparison process from year to year … and the first examination is like a breast imprint …

  • Now - why don't you start with the first visit to do this examination..!!

Mammography is done periodically for women after the age of forty to detect any tumors, whether benign or not … The woman at that time is in good health and there is no complaint from the breast, and it is called “Screening Mammography”



But if there is a specific complaint in the breast... Here the woman performs a "Diagnostic Mammography", that is, a breast examination to discover the cause of this complaint (pain, sensation of swelling, nipple discharge)
Does any healthy woman do this examination at any time...??

The answer is that there are rules established to organize this examination ... and to benefit from it ...

The American Cancer Society has developed recommendations for this examination, and they are as follows:

From 20 to 40 years old

Monthly self-breast exam

Clinical breast examination every 3 years (by doctor)

• The mammography examination should not be performed except in special cases and according to the doctor's order.

From 40 to 49 years old...

A mammography examination every one or two years ... or according to doctor instructions.

Breast self-examination every month.

Clinical breast examination every year.

From 50 years old...

Breast self-examination every month.

Clinical breast examination every year.

Mammography examination every year.

Now - why don't you start with the first visit to do this examination..!!

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