Gynecologic examination
Breast examination (mammography):
City Scan is interested in raising awareness among women starting from the age of forty about self-examination and periodic breast examination in order to detect tumors early, which facilitates treatment and increases the success rate in complete recovery and survival from the disease.
Every woman can perform a self-examination of her breasts by looking in the mirror or examining the breast in a way she learns from a specialist doctor to notice any change.
In addition to resorting to a specialist doctor to conduct a clinical examination periodically, and based on his instructions, an appointment is set to conduct a breast examination with X-rays known as mammography.
Among the most important symptoms that City Scan recommends doing a mammography are discovering a solid mass inside the breast, a change in the size or shape of the breast, changes and redness in the skin, and bloody fluids coming out of the nipple.
Mammography is a safe and effective method that greatly helps in the early detection of breast diseases, including benign and malignant tumors. Between 2-3 films are taken for each breast. The examination is performed by specialists.
At City Scan, we are proud to have the latest digital mammography devices from Siemens, which make the radiation doses used very limited and do not expose the woman undergoing the first examination or the examinations that are performed periodically to the risk of radiation. The examination takes a relatively short period of time.
After that, at City Scan, we perform an ultrasound examination in an adjacent room to increase the accuracy of the diagnosis.
Two separate consultant doctors review each case for diagnosis and write and review the report attached to the films.
On the day of the examination, it is forbidden to use perfumes, deodorants, ointments, or powder in the breast area and under the armpits.
It is preferable to wear a blouse as the examination requires removing clothing from the upper part of the body.
The best time to do this examination is a week after the end of the period, when the breast is in a state of calm, which helps in the accuracy of the examination.
Mammography is performed periodically for women after the age of forty to detect any tumors, whether benign or malignant... and the woman is in good health at that time and there is no complaint about the breast, and it is called "Screening Mammography"
However, if there is a specific complaint in the breast... here the woman performs "Diagnostic Mammography", i.e. a breast examination to discover the cause of this complaint (pain, feeling of a tumor, nipple discharge)
Does any healthy woman perform this examination at any time...??
The answer is that there are rules set to regulate this examination... and to benefit from it...
The American Cancer Society has set recommendations for this examination, which are as follows:
From the age of 20 to 40 years...
Self-examination of the breast every month.
Clinical breast examination every 3 years (by the doctor)
Mammography should only be done in special cases, and by the doctor's order.
From the age of 40 to 49 years ...
Mammography examination every two or three years ... according to the doctor's discretion.
Breast self-examination every month.
Clinical breast examination every year.
From the age of 50 years ...
Breast self-examination every month.
Clinical breast examination every year.
Mammography examination every year.
Now - why don't you start with the first visit to do this examination ..!!
4D Ultrasound:
• Three-dimensional and four-dimensional ultrasound waves (4D US) are the latest technology in the field of medical imaging to obtain a real, live, three-dimensional image of fetuses inside the womb.
• This has resulted in a superior ability to diagnose early and accurately many diseases and fetal abnormalities, which were impossible to know or reach.
• We are proud at City Scan to have the latest Toshiba ultrasound devices with high accuracy to perform the examination in the best possible way.
At City Scan, we will help you achieve your dream of motherhood
If your pregnancy is delayed without clear symptoms, this is most likely due to blocked fallopian tubes.
This examination is similar to the women's examination, and we inject dye into the cervix and we can see the uterus and fallopian tubes clearly, and we can track the movement of the dye in the woman's reproductive system and determine whether there is a blockage in the fallopian tubes or not, and detect any other problems in the uterus with complete safety.
Recent scientific research has proven that dye x-rays increase the ability to reproduce because they clear the tubes of deposits that may be present and delay pregnancy
At City Scan, a consultant professor at Ain Shams Medicine performs the examination.
The examination is available under anesthesia at an additional cost